Here Comes a Man

by I Seem to be the Heartless   May 21, 2007

Lying bleeding
Dying on the ground
He screams out for help
But no one hears a sound

There are bombs exploding
Left and right
A bright glow -
Another soldier loses his sight

Gunshots fired
Bullets flying
Soldiers everywhere
Slowly dying

Darkness falling
The sun's glow now gone
A soldier's cries
So sad and alone

His sight lost
His life fading
His voice now silent
In his mind he's praying

He's praying for
The end to come
Thinking of all those he killed
Knowing it was wrong

Out of the glow of blinding white light
Here comes a man
He prays and hopes it is God
But no, it's Satan

The soldier screams
As he is scorched by Hell's flames
Skin blistering, screams of pain
He sees other souls Satan has claimed

Both the good and the sinners
Are found in this place
So far away
From God's Heavenly grace.

20 May 2007


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  • 17 years ago

    by MaSkEdSoUl

    I agree with Gem. I totally didnt see that ending. This was really good, I like how you show that killing is bad even though you're sent out to do it. Keep it up!

  • 17 years ago

    by Navy Blue Heart

    I loved the last verse, especially the last line! Fab!

  • 17 years ago

    by Gem

    Oh my... i did not expect that ending..
    You've really raised a lot of thoughts with this piece
    Short, sharp sentences really get the horror across...
    Well done!