All I Hear

by xXAxTwistedxWishXx   May 21, 2007

Open your eyes, why cant you see
Just how much you mean to me
I know I've made mistakes
But this is to much for me take
I'll I ever hear is how your with her
Weather it's true or not, I'm not really sure
Part of me believes every word i hear
But I don't want to because everytime my eyes fill with tear
You made promises you couldn't keep
Day after day, week after week
You said you'd always lovee me
So why do you do this to me


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  • 17 years ago

    by Briana

    I love it. i was in a situstion lik this a while back. guys are jus jerks hun! count on ure friends.
    <3 bri
    (please comment my poems if you have time!)