Living in the energy we create

by KAP DAR   May 22, 2007

Humans live in a world
that they can touch and feel
deemed physical we humans are designed
to experience objects as solid forms and fields
however try travel past
what our brains have programed to believe
to understand molecular levels is to see
every thing is on equal playing fields
just energy nothing solid
just dark holes in space
dense matter is we
we can only see us
other beings from other dimension's
would not even notice us
dus it is only us
we are but a black hole of energy
thats all that they would see
until the day change comes
to our thoughts to our ways
to a brighter understanding
of how life should be how it could be
all these principles must remain
it is our thoughts that create patterns
of energy and it is our thoughts
that attract the opposite energy
and equal energy to us
notice when you are running late
the more anxious and hurried you feel
the more things will hinder your way
slowing you down
making you even more late
i have given this a name
called opposite energy attraction
and we have all experienced those days
where one thing after another
either gos good or bad
i have given this a name
i call it emotional energy attraction
as human we are energy magnet's
the energy we put out in the world
we indeed create we must create good
with the intent of wanting good for humankind
not to sit in judgment
but to try to understand why?
to not dwell on negatives but to cast them off
replaced with unconditional love
for your fellow man and all his creatures
even the ones we carry inside
to share this magnificent planet
we call home
for it is the goodness and kindness
in our hearts that grows outward
into this karmic dance of ours
to further awareness as there shall always be light
there shall always be truth
look out side this dim box of mind sets
look beyond what we our taught
begin to think for you as individuals
we must think for us
rather than how others may try to influence
only thin shall we begin to know truth
as truth can only come from
truly knowing loving hearts.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Lori Lee

    Hm...I like this one. it sounds real deep and like...well, you sound real smart. or like you must think a lot or something. lol. anyways, good job. 5/5