Everybody around me

by PoeticalHeartless   May 22, 2007

Everybody around me keeps putting me down, its either I don't want to be your friend anymore or you don't belong,

If I don't belong where do I belong? Maybe I should justed die maybe life wasn't made for me, maybe I'm suppose to be flying with the angels in the big blue thing in the sky,

I think I should be there so nobody could see my shame, my uglyness, maybe I'm justed a nobody I don't derserve to have friends or to live,

Why should I have friends when all they do to me is lie and talk about me behind my back? Is that a true friend? Come on we all know that's not a true friend

Why is everybody around me so cruel did I do anything to you for to be like that with me? All I try to do this a good friend and a godd person but they all they do is lie and do things to hurt me

Well I'm going to end this poem because I have nothing else to say but I know I have a true friends amanda and jessica I love you babies.

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  • 17 years ago

    by kasia nicole

    This is a really great poem and it was areally good word choice and i like how u put it.cant wait to read more . kasia

  • 17 years ago

    by Shirani Graham

    GreaT poeM andD iT soundeD verY sweeT. KeeP uP thE gooD writinG and worK.


  • 17 years ago

    by So0CaRELESS

    Yo dis is so true but dont kill ya self sweetie it aint even worth it cuz all ur friends is haters and i can relate cuz my friends turned there back so many times. if it really hurts u dat bad i will be ya friend

  • 17 years ago

    by Princess

    I really like iiit nD Kan ReaLate 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by heather

    -i know how life gets, but no one wants u 2 die. ya know...i really hate people thinking this. God sent His son to die for you, because he loved u so much. i know that sounds all 'christian like' but its the truth. think of it this way, when jesus was being nailed to the cross even when he didnt have 2...He thought of you. Even if your friends turn their back on u...thats their problem. not urs. ;) He will always be there 4 u. good job on xpressing urself. hope things go well!