Love|Hate Relationship

by Fighter (Ariane L.)   May 23, 2007

Whoever said it was easy is a fool.
Some days, I simply cannot understand
How I could possibly have felt that way,
And others, I cannot imagine ever forgetting.

Love|Hate Relationship.

Some days, the tears overwhelm me;
I still haven't satisfied the void.
It still lingers, haunting my every move.

On other days, laughter echoes in me.
I am who I always wished to be.
I am happy.

Love|Hate Relationship.

Whoever said there was a cure
Knows nothing of this.
You cannot never fully satisfy the void.
It lingers, haunting your every move.
It is always there.

Sometimes, it's hard to find a reason.
Nights like this.

Whoever said it was easy is a fool.
There is always this
--------------------Love|Hate Relationship
With yourself.


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by Lima Pappa

    Danm nice/good/excellent

  • 17 years ago

    by skyfox

    You are still writing amazing work. Thw words paint an emotional picture and I truly enjoy how you do that.

  • 17 years ago

    by ABake

    I really loved the overall message. And the way you express the love|hate relationship was beautiful and true.
    It's not very often that you find a poem that yalmost everyone can relate too.
    Great job!

  • 17 years ago

    by ScarletHaze

    5/5 hunny i havent been online in ages but im happy to see tht ur poems are still brilliant

    much love xxxxx

  • 17 years ago

    by Pure Silence

    UGH my comment got erased,

    Simply Jacob missed the point me thinks.

    The structure could be a little more reformed to *gel* better, but honestly it works as is. It's a stunning piece as usual baby. its relateable, loveable and understandable.

    the end, seems slightly sudden though, maybe structure hints into it? like snide comments or something if you're worried about that.

    Me loves you =]