I need you

by SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG   May 23, 2007

Reach out and take my hand,
Take it and hold it tight,
I feel so alone now,
Nothing feels alright.

I want you at my side,
But you keep slipping far away,
I don't want you to leave me,
I'm begging you to stay.

Maybe I'm being selfish,
But right now I'm falling apart,
My world is slowly crumbly,
And you're breaking my heart.

I don't care if we're just friends,
I'm fine as long as you're near,
Please don't go and leave me,
I desperately need you here.


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  • 17 years ago

    by paul alexander

    I like your poem

  • 17 years ago

    by A Phoenyx in Flight

    Youve done it again
    this poem is so sad yet sweet i love it 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by BlueEyedMystery

    Oh my gosh.. I'm seriously on the verge of tears right now. That hit home really hard. I'm feeling the exact same way right now..

    That was really amazing. You are a very talented writer! I'm about to add you to my favorites! I love your poems!

    Cayce xx

  • 17 years ago

    by slynn

    I am here <3

  • 17 years ago

    by Not

    Very emotional and sad but well written and love the message behind it keep writting..=)

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