Have You Ever

by Amber   May 23, 2007

Have you ever felt like you don't know what to do?
Like everything is working against you and you cant go on
You wander why things cant go your way just once
You think you got a break but it all go wrongs
You pray and pray that your prince charming will come save you
Just when you think there no one out there you lost all hope
He comes knocking on your door
Hes the greatest thing so you think
Just one night changed that all
You wonder where it all went wrong
You cry yourself to sleep and pray
Lord why cant i just find the right guy why are they all the same
When will things go my way when will I get the chance to fall in love?
Your friends don't help you to much because they got there own problems to worry about
You wish that you could just get away from here go somewhere where no one knows you
Somewhere where the guys are nice sweet and charming
A place unheard of like a place out of a fairy tale
You know a place like this isn't real thats why they call it a fairy tale
a day will come when your prince charming does come
You don't know when or where it will happen but it will happen
When your least expecting it happen right there he will be
Hell seem to go to be true and you wonder what he is doing with you
Maybe things just have a weird way of working out
Then you wake up and realize it was just all a dream and your back at point one


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