by =LiL-BaBesTaH= May 23, 2007
category :
Love, romance /
love is
ThE grEaTeSt iRonY 0v LoVe iZ L0vinG thE ritE peRs0n aT thE r0nG timE, havinG da r0nG peRs0n weN da timE iZ ritE afTa daT perSon wLkz 0wTa uR LiFe..anD sumtimEz, U thinK uR aLreDy 0ver daT pers0n, buT weN u c theM smiLe aT y0u, Y0uLL suDDenLy reaLize daT uR juZ preTenDn t0 b 0veR theM juZ 2 eaSe thE paiN 0v kn0wN daT deY wiL nevA b uRz aGaiN, f0r s0mE, theY thinK thaT leTTinG g0 iZ 0nE waE 0v eXpreSSinG h0w mucH thEy LoVe thaT pers0n..In my 0pini0n, s0mE arE afraiD t0 c thE onE deY LoVe beinG heLd by suMonE eLse...m0sT reLati0nsHiPz TenD t0 faiL, n0t bEcauSe thE abSencE 0v LoVe, LoVe iZ aLwaEz prezEnT..iTz juZ daT onE waZ beinG LOVeD 2mucH anD thE 0theR waZ beinG LoVeD 2LittLe, aZ we aL kn0 thaT thE hearT iZ thE cenTre 0v thE b0dy buT iT beaTz 0n thE LefT, anD mayB thaTz thE reas0n wHy thE hearT iZ n0t aLwaEz riTe...m0sT 0fteN we faLL in LoVe witH thE pers0n wE thinK we LoVe buT 2 0nLy diSc0veR thaT foR theM we arE juZ f0r paSSinG timE, whiLe thE onE wh0 truLy LoVeZ uS reMaiNz eitheR a friEnD 0r a sTranGeR... |