
by HOLLYWOODxBANGBANG   May 23, 2007

He sat on the edge of his empty bed with tears in his eyes,
Cursing himself for running her away with all his little lies,
And he's etching out the words carved into his wedding band,
Squeezing it tight in the palm of his pale quivering hand.

The moon shines through the curtains onto his face,
As he looks to the picture on the walls, hung with grace -
And she smiles out at him with love burning in her eyes,
Such an oblivious fool to fall head over heels in his lies.

He slams down the empty bottle as he staggers to say:
"Let's start our lives over babe, starting with today!"
And tears shine bright, rolling down his rosy red cheeks,
He falls to the floor as his knees start to go weak.

"I've wasted twenty years of my life, trying to bring you back,
When all along it was just a conscience that I lacked,
You packed your bags, left me for that Greyhound bound to nowhere,
But I will liberate myself for you Darling, this I swear!"

And now, standing in front of the crowd he stands to say:
"My name is John and I promised my wife I'd change today,
I'm here to liberate myself and get off the whiskey and rye,"
Standing tall with tears in his eyes he looks up to the sky -

"It's been twenty long years since she turned her back and ran,
Without so much as a note and some advice, there was no plan,
She hopped onto that bus and not once did she look back to me,
Until the cancer took her, Heaven is where she was meant to be -

What a true angel she was, with golden hair and bright blue eyes,
A beautiful little fool too, until she caught onto my stupid lies,
And now looking back, if there was one thing I want to say,
It would be 'Unpack your bags, I'm going to liberate myself today!'"

-Jenna Elphick
May 23, 2007


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  • 17 years ago

    by Just Lucy

    That is such a great poem!! it made me cry, your grammer and punctuation is exceptional, your ideas for your poems are fantastic!! and this could so many people who may in such a stuation, no faults from me hun, 5/5