Why my baby girl

by Tiffany   May 24, 2007

I was 17 and pregnant. What was I to do?
No job, no money, no place to live
So what do I do, sleep in a car, get a job, move indoors
I go to the Doctor, I eat, I sleep, I take care of this baby growing inside of me
Finally after trying to make the baby's world perfect, it started
The pain... Oh did it kill
I went to the hospital with no time to spare.
They hooked me up and told me something was wrong.
They had to do surgery, they had to get the baby out
In the operating room they show me this tiny little bluish baby and then she was gone.
Not once did I hear a cry.
They told me she wasn't breathing, they told me it didn't look good. What did she do to deserve this?
She had wires everywhere, tubes going in everywhere.
She couldn't cry cause of the machine keeping her alive.
What did I do? I can't be going through this. They call me to say she pulled out her vent should we put it back in? Should you put it back in? Of course don't let anything happen to my baby.
I never left her side after that night. I didn't want her to be alone.... Eventually tubes and wires dwindled and she started to look like a baby...
Now 6 years later it comes down to having to have her go through major surgery in a hospital 300 miles from home.
Why does she still have to go through this. She is a fighter but she shouldn't have too... She should be able to walk without an assisted device, be able to run and play with friends. Whatever happened to letting them be little?


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  • 17 years ago

    by Not

    I like your poem its so sad,hope for many strong days for you and your daughter and i think that its very sweet for you to write a poem about her...love always...!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Im So OVER IT

    I liked your poem alot...its really kinda cool vote for you

  • 17 years ago

    by Maranda

    I just want to tell you that I am here for you and will always be, I know you can't be strong all the time but I am always here for you. And you have a very wonderful daughter, were I look at her and just think if she can be this strong so can I.