
by amber   Apr 18, 2004


I step outside
All Alone
No body knows
They all think I’m happy
No one realizes that
I hate my life and I always have

I step outside
Into the dark
The darkness swallows me whole
My thoughts swirl around
Inside my head
I run as fast as I can
Trying to escape
Trying to forget
My life

I step outside
A tear runs across my face
I hear my voice,
But was that me?
I can’t stop screaming
Cause my life sucks
The rain starts to fall
The drops blind my eyes
I stand there still and scared
Is this the end?
I ask myself
The thunder now fills my ears
The lightning flashes
I pray to God that it hits me

I pull out my knife
Put it up to my wrist
I cry my last cry
Scream my last word
I am finally going to die

Blackness takes over my mind
I can no longer move
Finally the nightmare is over
For once I am somewhere better than hell

I stand up and take a step
No one knows and know one cares
I am gone and never returning
My life has finally come to an end


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