Love Me Now, Hate Me Soon

by I Seem to be the Heartless   May 25, 2007

"You love me now,
But you'll hate me soon,"
You said to me
Under a full moon

I didn't understand
What you had just said
I started worrying
My mind filled with dread

It wasn't until today
That I figured out your speech
I saw you with her
Sitting on the beach

You were cheating on me
All this time
The worst is, you had told me
But I was blind

"You love me now,
But you'll hate me soon,"
I repeated your words
Watching you from the dunes

"You're right, I hate you,"
I screamed through my tears
You played with my emotions,
Using my fears

As I ran down the beach
To confront you face-to-face
I heard something
That made me slow my pace

Inching nearer
I heard this tune
"You love me today,
But you'll hate me soon"

Just how many girls
Do you have on a string?
I guess we mean nothing to you -
We were just your summer fling.

This was done for a contest


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  • 17 years ago

    by Arun Khan

    Keep up the good worK!!!! :D