Comments : I love you so much but you never knew

  • 17 years ago

    by just a little bit hurt

    This poem can relate to alot of people it used to relate to me untill I found the guy that wanted to be with me just as much as i wanted to be with the other guy Its a really good poem though lol!
    Much Love

  • 17 years ago

    by Lameez Petersen

    I know that it is really dificult to let them know how you feel but maybe it's time to break the silence. I did it and was stunned with the outcome. So break the silence, you might just be amaze at the result.

  • 17 years ago

    by dancing in the dark

    This poem is one that is typical of teenagers like us. Jealousy is a very bad habit that we have; Love is something we have to acheive in life. And i hope you and this boy get together :)
    great poem