Comments : Untitled .

  • 17 years ago

    by Sourav

    Well... real life story?? Seems straight from the heart! Well written... Keep writing!

  • 17 years ago

    by BrokenREALiTy

    You still need to edit it, sweetie (:

    If you don't have any feelings for me ,
    if this love was already dead .
    `Then this love soudns better ;D

    Quit acting like it's a game,
    A broken heart's going to unfold .
    `Like it's just a game sounsd better .

    I love doing this to you HAHA but nahw, don't listen to me . Just take the time to edit this poem . YOu have all summer . You bum . Leaving me for Philly -.-


  • 17 years ago

    by Pink Romance

    That was rely nice n u n ur frend did a wonderful job. yeh, u make the word love feel like a hole new world.

    babe 5/5 =]

  • 16 years ago

    by Ike Dizzle

    Wow you and your friend are great. This was an awesome poem. People need to stop playing games cuz they messing things up for the nice guys like me lol. Great job