Please Don't . . . .

by TaNyabAbEE   May 30, 2007

Please don't say you love me,
if you don't mean what you say.
Please don't say you care for me,
if you just might runaway.

Please don't whisper in my ear,
that you will always care.
Then someday I will turn around,
and you will not be there.

Please don't make me promises,
you don't intend to keep.
Please don't make me love you back,
when it's not my heart you seek.

If you have to say you love me,
please make sure you're always there.
In time I hope you'll understand,
why it's so hard for me to care.

*true story. hope u guys will comment and let me know any advice you might have that will make my situation easier. thanks!!*


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  • 16 years ago

    by F0revEr HiiSz

    Hey i love this poem...hun i went through the same thing...but after a year i realized life goes on and you cant let one person stop you from doing what you want to only live once and you have to live life to the fullest...because you never know what the next day will me it will get easier for you and if you need to talk im here girl..

  • 17 years ago

    by pLeASeTakEMyHeArT

    Yeah, it nerve breaking. I have loved few guy when I thought I am wit the one and now this I've been wit almost 3 years, off and on. Now making me feel the same way u have written pure inside I felt strong and make our love have clue. All you gotta do don't let that love over power you on a guy taking your sense. It help not to be afraid anymore not knowing if he's there or not. Cuz love has meant to be told if love is true or just a dream to get hurt.
    I really like this 10/10 -Nessy