Maybe Only Today

by SamiJo   Apr 19, 2004

Sitting beside you, staring into your eyes
my stomach does a flip and my heart cries
i dont think i should be feeling, like i am today
because every time you touch me, our love just melts away
i know you'd do anything, to keep me by your side
but i'm not feeling the same, and i dont know why
it used to be that everytime you touched me i felt like flying
but today im feeling strange...i feel like our love is dying
so the hardest part now, is for me to figure out
if today will last forever, or am i just having doubts
saying goodbye will be too hard, i already know
i've already figured out that its hard to let people go
i guess you could call me counfused, because its obvious that i must be
i guess i could wait for you, but i'd only be hurting me
so until you're in my shoes, and know just how i feel
don't call me crazy,because you don't know the deal
i just want you to get the picture, that its my heart to break
and if i've done the wrong thing, then i'll learn from my mistake
so i'm trying my hardest, i'm going to say goodbye
its hurts for me to keep it in, but it hurts to see you cry
so once again, here i am, not knowing what to do
i dont want to hurt me, but it seems worse to be hurting you
so i guess i'll just hold on, i'll try to keep it in
maybe this feeling i have today, wont ever come again


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  • 19 years ago

    by brenda

    Ayy foo you gotz nice poems....better then mines,peace out..

  • 19 years ago

    by Firooz

    Your poems sounds cool, can u view and comment on mine too?

    Waiting 4 you there

  • 19 years ago

    by Brokeback

    Soo beautiful !!
    Nice writing.


  • 19 years ago

    by matt white

    That was just wow well i hope it only gets better and keep up the writing it was really good 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Jasmyn

    you are a very good writer.