by Robert
The first part of this poem was done quite well it drew thereader in but then I don't know what happen you just lost me in a bunch of nonsense, either you were trying to make a point and then switched in the middle or you just lost track of the peice all together. I alaude your idea in theis poem but I would do some revision and ask yourself what would you like to tell the reader in this peice. Plot121 |
by Unwitted
Hahahah this is so funny. I keep laughing after reading this. |
A shorT buT beautifuL piecE 5/5 brilliantlY penneD. keeP writinG! |
by Tricky Daze
Wow it was so eliminated by all the things and hmm..I guess I should see this movie soon |
Lol that was cool- |
by Sugar
Funny...and one of a kind..! |
4.5 was confusing for a bit but very funny. ^_^ |
by danielle
Nice job it was really cute keep it up |
Ur an awesome poet..loved this poem just brilliant:d |
Just a beautiful poem you had written.... |
by Crystal Gaze
Fsams, I never know what too expect with your poem's. |
YouR stylE oF writinG iS aN enjoyablE topiC. aN excellenT piecE oF worK thaT attracteD mY sinceritY verY mucH... |
by Gasttlee
This is funny, in a good way I mean. |
I like the poem it is ok. |
I liked it , but most people i think dont get it, 5/5 good job, and way to keep me thinking, i guess |
by Jenni Marie
HAHAHA, this made me giggle. |
by HidinVictim
Wow who knew someone could lose ALL there identification AND get amnesia!!! this is truely funny, and very well written. I have to find that movie a definatly want to see it now. |