A Pen and Some Old Scrap Paper

by dollwithafrown   Jun 1, 2007

A pen and some old scrap paper;
Two of the simplest things,
But to me they mean oh so much,
Like a guitarist and his strings.

The ink placed in each little letter;
The smudges that line the pages,
Express my desire, my passion inside,
Which has been growing through many ages.

It may be splendid; a work of art,
Or maybe not so much.
Yet each poem written down on paper,
Has felt my burning touch.

Each word expressed so profoundly
Has a story each to its own.
And the sentences built, the rhymes I make
Help my real world to be shown.

So there it is, displayed for you
In plain black and white.
What do I do to release my passion?
I simply sit down and write.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Romancing the Darker Side

    I think the poem was very nice, maybe if you took out some of the "oh"s, it would sounds a little better though. I can feel the passion you posses for writing, and you conveyed it fairly well in this poem. Nice job!

  • 17 years ago


    I really liked this, except for one line kind of threw me off...

    "But to me they mean oh so much,"
    ^^ I don't think the 'oh' is very necessary in it, it kind of throws it off. Other than that, this was really good.


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