
by I Seem to be the Heartless   Jun 1, 2007

Sugarcoat your lies
As every day you try
To hide what you feel inside

Sugarcoat your emotions
Keep going through the motions
Like waves across the oceans

Sugarcoat your fears
Wipe away your tears
Of the hurt of past years

Sugarcoat the pain
Taking on all the blame
As blood your wrists stain

Sugarcoat the past
Hoping it fades fast
And that the pain won't last

Sugarcoat what is to come
Knowing the future looks glum
And you realizing you don't know where you're from
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The 'idea' of the poem is that people generally 'sugarcoat' parts of their lives to make it through the day and to make their lives seem better. It doesn't always make things right. Sometimes makes you forget what the 'real' you is like.
This was done for a contest


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  • 17 years ago

    by xxSnow Angelxx

    Wow!!....the message conveyed is soo powerful and the way u've penned it is also great....though the rhyme schemed a li'l forced at some places...all over..the poem was good and powerful!
    Good job!

  • :D
    And quite blunt.
    I love it!

  • 17 years ago

    by Rick

    Well, the message conveyed, Powerful! But the way in which you delivered it lacks the proper meter and seems a little too forced. I would run back through it. Try to concentrate more on the message and less on the rhyme scheme cause an easy to read poem sends a far more powerful message than a forced rhyme poem. I did enjoy it very much though and think it has a lot of potential. Keep on writing you clearly have a knack.