Comments : Sugarcoat

  • 17 years ago

    by Rick

    Well, the message conveyed, Powerful! But the way in which you delivered it lacks the proper meter and seems a little too forced. I would run back through it. Try to concentrate more on the message and less on the rhyme scheme cause an easy to read poem sends a far more powerful message than a forced rhyme poem. I did enjoy it very much though and think it has a lot of potential. Keep on writing you clearly have a knack.

  • :D
    And quite blunt.
    I love it!

  • 17 years ago

    by xxSnow Angelxx

    Wow!!....the message conveyed is soo powerful and the way u've penned it is also great....though the rhyme schemed a li'l forced at some places...all over..the poem was good and powerful!
    Good job!