Here we go again
Down the drain
I can't go any further
I can't handle this anymore
I'm trapped by so many walls
They are holding me captive
I have no where to go
I'm trying so desperately
To flee from my mind
And run away to my heart
But I'm locked up
In a cage
That's to tiny
To where I can't move
My mind's tricks
I can take no longer
No matter how hard I try
I hurts me even more
When I don't listen
It forces me to
I can't breathe
It's taken away my oxygen
I can't move
I'm paralyzed
I can't think
It's taken away my thoughts
It's taken everything away from me
I have nothing left
And even though I don't
It just keeps hurting me
I try to listen to my heart
But then that voice
That voice that I dread to hear
Comes into play
And tells me
"Don't listen to that fool
It don't know what it talking about"
I'm trusting my heart
To win the battle
I'm believing my entire heart