Life Is Hell

by Mark Spencer   Jun 1, 2007

Life Is Hell
By Mark Spencer

Have you ever had the feeling
You'd done something before?
That little taste of daja vu,
You never could ignore.

Have you dreamed of far off places,
Where you have never been,
While knowing things you should not know,
Of lands you've never seen?

How many choices have you made,
When you had to think twice?
As if you knew what lay in store,
That there might be a price.

How could you know what lies ahead,
The dangers that await?
If time is written as it goes,
You could not know your fate.

There would be no intuition,
No sense of daja vu,
No visions in prophetic dreams,
With insights meant for you.

For every choice a person makes,
Another is denied.
Yet each must have a destiny,
If free will is applied.

For if a fate, in fact, exists
Down every path we choose,
Then there must also be a fate,
For every path refused.

And every road provides a choice,
Which only you can make.
They lead you down another path
That none but you can take.

They say hell is separation
From God's amazing grace.
Where the damned have been forbidden,
To look upon His face.

Have you ever really wondered,
What purpose our lives serve?
We're separated by the flesh.
What fate does that preserve?

The feeling that you've lived before,
It could be right on track.
But what if it is to this life,
That you keep coming back?

To live out every choice you have,
And walk down every road.
To face divergent destinies,
And reap what you have sowed.

Such a fate could last forever,
If every choice is lived.
No pardon for a soul, until
It learns how to forgive.

Every spark of intuition,
Or sense of daja vu,
Could be subconscious messages,
Or warnings meant for you.

If we search for life's true meaning,
Could anybody tell,
If life is what we think it is,
Or is it more like hell?



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  • 17 years ago


    read mypoems please

  • 17 years ago

    by Refinnej Sin

    Pardon my language..but this kicked ass! that made my day..thanks

  • 17 years ago

    by mrsmoore

    I'm so glad to see that you're writing more! i was beginning to get a little sad! i love your poems. the last two years, i've been waiting to see what else you'll write and i've always been impressed with your writing! thank you for that!

  • 17 years ago

    by June

    I liked this ,and its one that certainly gets thoughts flowing.