Love v. hate

by Kenzie   Jun 2, 2007

I am leaving this place
It could be for three months
It could be for eternity.

will i ever return?
how much will i miss it?
do i feel better not being here?

I want to live a happy life
i don't want to hurt all the time,
but i don't know if i can do that here.

In the beginning,
i loved it here.
now i hate it so fiercely i yell and cry.

its mixed feelings thinking about it
leaving means leaving behind things and people I've come to love
staying means being miserable with people and things I've come to hate

how do you weigh hate against love
which is stronger?
I don't know that I'll ever know.

i hate you so much it pains my soul
every time i see your pure virgin face
every time i think of the harsh words you've spoken of me

i love you so much i don't think i can leave
i love the times we've shared
i love the sisterhood we've enjoyed.

And i love you so much i cried when i left
i talk to you sometimes still when i awake in the mornings
i cry when i try to sleep because you're not there

and i respect you so much i can't think of anywhere else I'd rather be
i can't imagine not having that comfy blue chair
in which i bare my soul and shed a few tears

i love so much
but my hate is so fierce
how can i weigh out the two?


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