Remember Saturday

by bacha   Jun 3, 2007

Remember Saturday
When I first saw you standing on the corner
You never felt that I was standing in your side
You kept smiling and glowing
You turn your face around me
You grasp my eye
Your beauty face hides your beauty heart form me
And I fall in love with you not for real you

Remember Saturday
When you saw me standing on the corner
You said hi
I said hello
You said you number phone
I said for sure

Remember Saturday
When you call me at 8 clocks
You said why we don't go on our first date?
I said for sure we have nothing to lose
So let's try

Remember Saturday
When we have our firs date
At the same corner we met
I said let's take a wake
You said it's better to sit down
And I don't know what was in your mind
You came near me to have a kiss
I said let's take it slow let's take it slow

Remember Saturday
When you came to me
You said I want more
I have to move on with out you
I said honey let's take it slow
You said I have another lover to care about
I said go because I can't take it no more
You said sorry but we don't fit at all
I said just go don't break my heart more

Remember Saturday
When you come crying
I said what happen
You said my lover say good bye
I looked you in your eyes
I said I have to go
You said as what I said let's take it slow
I said I have to move on with out you
I have another lover to care about

And I said to you what goes around comes around and you have nothing to say to me anymore.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Boy

    Aah. nice story and that choices of words was not so much effective but the image is undrstandable and someone easily can understand ayour point. very lovely and a but sad also. take care will must give you 5/5