
by Kira   Jun 3, 2007

High hopes
Failed dreams
Why are guys just so mean?

Broken hearts
Swelled eyes
Is there anyone for me?

Slits on wrist
Bleeding deep
Guys are idiots with no life

Sex Sex Sex
Is all they want
Can't they grow up and realise

Mine as well turn lesbian
Who needs guys?
With thought up lies.


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  • 17 years ago

    by damm so confuse

    Damm i fell da sam3 i aint turnig lez lolz but f*k all da guyz cuz ur so right all dey wants is sex!!! n am nt a h-o-3 dat will let dem hit it just lik3 da jajaja so just dt fall 4 dem n giv3 dem a tast3 of der own gam3 play wit der heds n mak3 dem fall in luv wi YOU den break der m-u-tha fuggin hert

  • 17 years ago

    by bella

    Very good poem keep up with the good work