by Mandz and Aly Jun 4, 2007
category :
Life, society /
meaning of life
Facing a problem that doesn't seem to mend. Finding the solution is like dropping a pebble in the sand. Longing for an answer that isn't even there. Grasping for a rope that isn't even there. Rain is falling on the reflection in the water. Making the image a blurry, uneven mess. Reflecting in the water. Blue reflecting red, green reflecting purple. Image isn't what it is. It's what other people want. Lookin a mirror you never see who you are. You see what people created. Slowly, a smile to a frown, happy to a sad, better to a worse. Hiding a person that isn't yourself. Taking the names of he she it. Attitude shall differ. He she it are personalities of the person they once were... |
I think everyone feels like this at some point. A good poem, very creative I love the unending paragraph of it. |