Just another Minority

by Alma   Jun 4, 2007

Oppressed, exploited, slavery
The homeland of our ancestors
Is now consumed by poverty
It has become a playground for
Governments to use and abuse of the people
The green mountainous country
Were some of the most intelligent
Men once lived
Is now a place to deport thugs and criminals
Drug lords prowl the area
As beasts do
Feeding off the innocence and need
Of those so young and so poor
And the world chooses to ignore
The peoples cry for help
They damn well know what it is that happens
But they rather pretend that they don't
When will this come to an end?
Our great revolutionaries
And civil rights fighters
Like Che Guevara, Martin Luther King
Tried to change the world
Hoping for a better tomorrow
For every child
No matter black, brown, yellow or white
So that the world may learn to live in harmony with each other
But society did not share their vision
Instead governments saw them as a problem
So they were eliminated
Democracy, freedom of speech, freedom and equality
Does not exist in our world
Nothing has changed since 80, 50, 20
Years ago when people of colour were seen as minorities
The only difference between today and then
Is that before you knew people were racists
But now they hide it
Because society has dubbed it as "socially unacceptable"
Well nothing can make me feel embarrassed
Of my culture
You can say what you like
You can believe stereotypes
If you like
But I know who I am
And I am proud of what I am
And in Che's words
"We are not a minority"


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by Simply Trying

    That was an amazing poem.

  • 16 years ago

    by Ignoris

    Nice job, I love how all those "key words and people" all blended together so well...well done.
    Thanks for the comment!
    Chin up, Eleni

  • 17 years ago

    by kasia nicole

    Very good i loved it 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Hermosa

    This is so true...there are still racist people in this world now more than ever antes nomas era una raza ahora todos se odian. Good Job
    I liked this poem

  • 17 years ago

    by Alvaro

    Hehe latino pues asi es no? ur right this true drug lords do manipulate the young, and how ppl hide their hate to others.. its very true great piece hmm thats cool AMORyPAZ love and peace