Lost in the dark surrounded by water
Another day has come why should I bother?
Kept on thinking what am I doing here
Emptiness around reminds me I'm a loner
Off to the edge to see the water underneath
For I can see my reflection just as I breathe
Lethat, but not least silent
Obviously it was a hint
So I float in the middle of the lake
Trying to find the source of my mistake
So deep in thoughts running through my mind
Over and over I remember memories I left behind
Unknown but known im barely blind
Lake of lost souls I'm lost in you
So if you can help me out- help me through
Acrostic Poetry
Formed by writing a word vertically down the page
One letter per line
All capital letters
Each line of poetry must begin with the letter on that
May use one word or a phrase
Does not have to rhyme