A Dedication to an Encouraging Friend

by dawn green   Jun 4, 2007

I have a friend named Tracy D
He is always there to comment
and to encourage me

His poems are written so fine and so well
He makes me feel like a first grader
Who Can't even spell

He will fill you with sadness,
make you cry
And the best thing of all is he doesn't even have to try

His life has been full of sorrow and strife
I just hope that he can now move on ,
have a better life

Serious subjects his poems do bring to light
how he had to preserve his life, learn how to fight

He has struggled silently and most people wouldn't even know it
But out of all of this we can thank
Because the world has gained such a great poet

:) Dedicated to my friend Tracy D. a great poet


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  • 16 years ago

    by yblehs

    Haha that was great! and i liked how you dedicated it to someone from the internet =]

  • 17 years ago

    by Randy Lee

    This is quite enjoyable! I have one called "passions fed" that you might enjoy.

  • 17 years ago

    by JodiieBaybeh

    Aw theres not many people that write a poem, based on a friends poetry ..and this one was really well written good job :)

  • 17 years ago

    by Reminders Torture

    This poem was very well written.It was really touching.A beautiful penned poem.
    Well done!!
    best wishes
    and take care

  • 17 years ago

    by Vanessa

    I agree tracy is a great friend this was a touck=hing peice, really haertfelt, and flow was great, full of deep emtionn well done on a beautifully written peice. 5/5

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