I say to myself that's it no more, no more crying on the floor
No more harming no more pain
I swear to never love you again.
I want to cry every time I wake
I want to die as my life's a fake.
I want to say goodbye to you
And goodbye to the memories too,
That's it is over you've had your chance
Never again will I glance
Ill never stare at your charming smile
Ill keep walking another mile
But u always catch up with me
And I'm yours again so easily
You will make me feel so good and true
I'm hopelessly in love with you.
But then you stop,
And say goodbye
And that's my cue to break down and cry.
Why did that memory have to end?
Why do you see me only as a friend?
Well that's it, I say no more
But if that is true why do I remain on the floor?