Here marks a fresh start.
A new freedom for my heart.
My chance at being me.
Doing what I want, totally free.
I can say what I really feel.
And it won't be a big deal.
It's nothing like I thought.
I surived the battles I fought.
My thoughts are all gone,
Like the night at dawn.
My soul is free of sorrow,
I'll do what I want tomorrow.
I can't be held or bound.
I will spread my wings and leave this ground.
Distraction has no control.
My life will no longer be dull.
I will have all the power.
I'll pass the highest tower.
Don't try to stop me now,
'Cause you won't know how.
For I will be totally free.
And I'll be one hundred percent me!
~Originally written 1-11-2007 during a writer's block caused by anger.~