
by Beverly Chapman   Apr 20, 2004

My whole life,
A lie
One big lie
To cover the truths beneath
The lies that I live
Each and every day
The lies that I have lived since birth
The lies that I will continue to live
Until the day that I die
Because no one can remember the real reason
That I am where I am today
The lies that I live at school
To cover up what I truly feel
The lies that I tell myself each day
Just to make it through
Without breaking down and crying
Without cutting myself
The lies my family tells the world
To make it seem like I am the one that screwed up
When really they are the ones that screwed up
But are blaming it on the younger generation
The lies that I tell everyone else
To cover up what really happened
And what is still happening to this day
The lies that people believe are the truths
Because that is all that they have ever been told about me
The lies that I learned to believe
Because that was all that I was told about myself
As much as you don\'t want to believe that something is true
It becomes true when you hear it each and every day
But I suppose that we cannot change the truth
Or rather the lies
So we will just have to live this way
Each and every f*cking day.


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