Jails not punishment, its abuse!

by KAP DAR   Jun 8, 2007

Jails not punishment,
its abuse!
jail is torment!
lock your child up
in cold metal cage,
with out warm clothes, to wear
no warm blankets, to bear this cold place
no warmth any where, just an empty cage
no proper nutrition, no proper interaction,
no peace, no quit, uproar,racket,discordance, thats all
no rational time outside, no stimulation of the mind,
thats extreme child abuse!! and you would be up
shit creek, for sure,
your child would severely be
psychologically damaged
due to the lack of brain stimuli
theses thing are being done to people in jail
people who need help
people who didn't get love or compassion
growing up, or on the contrary sheltered from the cumbersome,
trusting in trusting others far to much, the blame gets distort the child within is corruptly traumatized

its all wrong, society is back wards,
when will the insanity stop?
when do people wake up?
didn't you know there is a difference
between punishment and abuse,
jail is not punishment!
jail is extreme abuse!!
jail is very counter productive,
non violent offenders do not belong locked up,
putting humans in cages does not help society
in any way, shape or form,
it demonstrates abuse, there for
its OK, and that abuse is acceptable,
just a day in jail is equal to a year, only worse,
to a productive citizen,
its not punishment at all, its abuses
in the worst form,
it creates more abuse,
more antisocial behavior, more psychological damage, codependency, a sense of hopelessness, that abuses is the only way, to the abused, and it makes no sense....
today people who see shall weak up, and those who are blind will be cured...


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