Paris Hilton, sold up the creek

by KAP DAR   Jun 8, 2007

Paris Hilton was sold up the creek
for having only one drink, she got a raw deal,
because people steal innocents,
taint it with blood of their children,
no one hears their cry, but i

in a world thats cold, dark as the night
is long, when in pain every minute
seems like eternity, every breath is stressed,
nailed is another Christ, to their wicked cross,
blood on the hands of the masses, nothing is gained
only something lost, it hurts to see everything so much.

i close my eyes in only one moment I'm lost,
their cry lead me off from here,
i feel the pain of another impaled to the cross,
i see the masses laughing, with hatred
etched upon their faces, blood of their own,
children tossed by the wast side, what was precious
is no more, like an angel from the flames of hell
a hell people create, in their own shallow minds
a hell people make out of life, is not that of a conciseness
mind, but that of a unconsciousness evil, as i forgive what
they do not know.


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