We have all done it

by KAP DAR   Jun 8, 2007

We have all done it, many times
people drive over the limit
it does not matter how far over you go
as long as its not reckless,
as long as you keep up with the flow
on a empty desert high way there are roads
that go on an on, you just want to get some where
any where you feel safe and not all alone
it was a day like any other day
every one in a hurry to reach there destination
driving fast over the legal limit
i wanted to keep up, to not get in any ones way
driving fast is some times the only way
blue and red lights flashed from behind
i pulled over, i knew i was going fast
but no faster then every one else
but they had to get someone
so why not me?
just the other night at 2 am
it was me an one other car
on a lonely stretch of road
we both just wanted to get home
5 miles over the limit is not uncommon
its very common
a sudden flash of light
from the other side of my lane
omg they got the other guy
as i sped away
i asked my self why
them and not me again this time.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Lori Lee

    Well I've never done it...I don't have a license yet. lol. I liked your poem though. 5/5