My Best Friend

by I Love Him But Sssh   Jun 8, 2007

I can tell him everything...
at least I say that I can.
I only have one secret that I hide from him everyday.
I love him.
I know that the words get thrown around a lot and I know that it isn't the first time that I have ever said it about someone but it is the first time that I have ever truly meant it.
I would do anything for him, and I don't mean I would do anything to be with him because that isn't the point...
I would do anything just to see him smile just be there when he's laughing...
he's got the sweetest laugh that I've ever heard, the kind of laugh that you have to laugh along with.
He makes me smile.
Just thinking of his laugh always puts the smile back on my face.
I would give up my dreams and ambitions just so he could achieve his.
I wouldn't do that for anyone.
But he doesn't know any of this...
Words just get in the way at the end of the day.
Every time I think today is the day that I'm going to tell him everything, I have the words there inside but I just can't make them come out!

If you love someone then please say what you have to say and don't leave it too late,
I know what it feels like to regret something that I haven't even did!


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  • 17 years ago

    by LiNa

    This was a good poem and really true i feel the same way. i liked how you poored ur emotions into it . i liked that.

  • 17 years ago

    by luv Shelbz luv

    I would like you to know that I have had this situation before and you used described it good and hit the nail on the head. =D