by Ayumi
The ones in the brackets are my thoughts. I apologize if it's not very good, there's some errors or it doesn't rhyme well. It depends on my mood for a nice poem. :( |
by Fsams
Excellent. I just have a doubt what does that last F in BFF stands for?? I liked your poems. Its well written. You could add icing on the cake by making it more thrilling. Well its worth 5/5 |
by Ayumi
Thanks. :) |
by Lemonbread
Aw thats sad T^T I can somehow relate. They way you put this poem was planned well and the words fit in well. 5/5 |
by Ayumi
Thanks very much! I wish she'd turn a new leaf and come back.. *sniffs* |
by Ayumi
Thank you veeeery much! ^^ |
by Ayumi
Thank you thank you thank you! ^^ |
I really love it.... |
by Ayumi
Gee, it's hard, isn't it? :( Thanks for the comment! |
ReallY aN amazinG joB oN thE poeM! iT floweD nicelY, yoU arE sO talenteD thE waY yoU writE. >>>>>>> excellenT writE.. |
by Ayumi
XD.. thanks. |