Idiots of the Present

by Carol   Jun 9, 2007

As I watch all these teenagers gather to school everyday I note that all of them, except a chosen few, are unrealistic to the point of idiocy.

Girls crying over guys they claimed to love, but probably won't remember fifteen years later when raising a family and are married.

Boys talking about scoring with three girls in one night and not even worrying about the consequences of the after math. Hmm. Wonder if they thought about the STD's they may have contracted?

People talking about being gay or lesbian like it's a disease. Being idiots and judging someone just because their beliefs are different.

People talking about mentally challenged people. Pointing and laughing just because their minds aren't the same. Perhaps those people who think it's funny to laugh at a cripple or mentally challenged person should have a chance to experience what they go through on a daily basis? Switching shoes maybe?

But the select few that aren't like the majority of teenagers, the ones who are usually outcast and unbiased. And those who are not racist or sexist. I respect them. Because they are the few select ones who aren't the idiots of the present.


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