Tragic Tale

by LostLikeTearsInRain   Jun 10, 2007

I miss you more and more
With each love sickening day
I await for this terrible pain
To all just go away

My eyes sting
From tears that are shed
I feel so sick
From the pain in my head

I look in the mirror
And all I can see is you
Closing my eyes
Is the only thing I can do

This life is getting harder
My walls are closing in
I'm beginning to wonder
If I can ever live again

The roses may be red
The sun may be bright
But when I look at them both
Something doesn't seem right

My dreams have become nightmares
My nightmares have become true
But through out all the torment
I can't stop loving you

My heart beats slowly
My skin turns pale
As I await the end
Of this tragic tale


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  • 16 years ago

    by A book with no meaning

    Wow i loved it this is the first on i read i hope the rest r this good

  • 16 years ago

    by jane

    WOW i love it....great job

  • 17 years ago

    by AmazingA

    This poem is one of the best i have heard!
    I know how u feel. I have had this feeling many times. Its really hard at first. And u just dont think that life is worth liveing but trust me...
    in the end it will get better

  • 17 years ago

    by Finalgravedigger

    Wow another truly great sad poem of greatlness by you 5/5