Dear Diary

by Xx Chrissi xX   Jun 10, 2007

Dear dear diary,
I don't know what to say,
I've got this huge problem,
None of this will go away.

Dear dear diary,
What did i do wrong,
Everything i feel inside,
Is reflected in that song.

Dear dear diary,
Why am i all alone,
Why have i been left here,
To deal with it on my own.

Dear dear diary,
I just don't know what to do,
I can't really explain to you,
You wouldn't have a clue.

Dear dear diary,
Is it wrong to leave it behind,
If i run away from it all,
Would heaven still be kind?

Dear dear diary,
I've made up my mind,
It's not like anyone will stop me,
To my problems they are blind.

Dear dear diary,
I'll leave it for you to explain,
Maybe one day they'll understand,
Every bit of my pain.

This little girl,
She tried so hard,
Just to stay strong,
And to keep up her guard.

But life was cruel,
The world didn't understand,
That in the cards of life,
She was dealt a bad hand.

She took her life,
And went away,
But nobody,
Remembers that day.

She passed away,
No tears were cried,
There was no one there,
To hold the memories inside.

The people who knew her,
Missed her not,
And this sweet little girl,
They all forgot.

Though without them knowing,
She made their lives bright,
For she helped them see,
You have to keep up the fight.

The person she was,
Was lost forever,
But in a way,
It brought them all together.

They'd each been touched,
Inside their hearts,
And the soul of this girl,
Never let them fall apart.

Like this young girl,
I'll be forgot,
All of my friends,
Will remember me not.

But at least i'll know,
That in my life,
I helped them once,
To forget their strife.

The pain inside,
Will not be for me,
But they'll hurt within,
For what i helped them be.

They'll forget it was me,
That made this slight change,
But that's how life is,
Isn't it strange.

I just want you all to know,
That i understand,
The pain i was caused,
Was never planned.

All of that,
Is long forgotten,
All the bad feelings,
Have been down-trodden.

But i need you to know,
This isn't your fault,
I just couldn't cope,
With life's assault.


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