My Last Goodbye

by Tareyn   Jun 10, 2007

Is it wrong of me
To like someone new?
Is it wrong of me
When I'm dating you?

You speak to her
Yet you don't see
That deep inside
It's killing me.

I know you just talk
And I know your just friends
But I am afraid
That our story will end.

Will you get bored with me?
Will you go out with her?
This is what
I constantly wonder.

You say you don't like her
That you guys just talk,
But I'm worried that you talk
More than we ever talk.

You call me immature.
So yeah, maybe I am.
But isn't that why you like me..
For who I am?

So now it's immature
To worry about our love
To tell you how I feel
Feeling you push and shove.

You tell me to tell you things,
And baby I do,
I tell you everything,
But I worry about me and you.

Everytime I bring us up
I'm suddenly immature.
Loving you is immature?
Oh yeah sure.

Thinking of reasons why...
Why you go so quiet.
All my thoughts gather
And together they riot.

Are you eating your dinner?
Is your mom calling you?
Or the worst of them all...
Is she talking to you?

Are you laughing together?
Are you thinking of her?
Are you wishing and hoping
That you were really with her?

I finally depart
And I walk to my room,
Flop on the bed,
And start thinking of you.

The more that I think
The worse the thoughts get
And tears start to form
As I cry over it.

I can't go to sleep,
Feeling the hot tears burn;
Crying over you,
I toss and I turn.

Thinking of you
As my green eyes cry
Drifting off to sleep...
My last goodbye.


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  • 16 years ago

    by wolfschild

    I love it!! +fav

  • 17 years ago

    by lao

    Nice poem i like it..

  • 17 years ago

    by aLYNNp

    It made me cry. I hope you can take the time to read one of mine.