
by not a perfect angel   Jun 11, 2007

She is so full of hurt does anyone see?
or is everyone caught up in what she ought to be?
hiding and dismissing it all
would anyone be there if she was to fall
she wants to reach out to them
but what would happen them
everyone would then see that she is screaming
might i even say really bleeding
what if she doesn't see her son turn one
all she wants is to go back to where it all begun
maybe it would be a different race
letting her go with her own god damn pace
her world is so dark and cold
and yet there is no loved one to hold
she wants to find that one special guy
one that could make her feel like she can fly
away from all her problems and fears
she is sure sick of all of her tears
no one hears her constant screaming
she hopes this is all what she is dreaming
soundly sleeping her in warm cozy bed
and when awaken no more screaming in her head


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  • 17 years ago

    by W0rld 0f t3ars

    I like the concept of the poem, but i think you have to work on it a little more. Like grammer usage, and Vocabulary. In poetry, the words that are written must have some emotion in them. Not just a whole bunch of rhyming words put together. Thank you for commenting my poem. I respect your opinion and i will work on it. But by the way...Good job =)

  • 17 years ago

    by dungeonbat

    Wow nicely writen, looking forward to reading more of your thoughts relateing to sadness ------------- doomed till death dungeonbat