You can hear it when your alone,
You can see it in your sleep.
It loves to cause you pain,
It loves to make you weep.
You try to cut it out of your life that always seems so low,
But nothing seems to work,
It will never go.
You can try to run away,
But you wont get too far,
It will be there waiting,
In the courner in the dark.
This is a deadly circus,
And itâ??s the ringmaster,
Itâ??ll strip you of your hope.
And in return give you disaster.
Itâ??ll send shivers down your spine,
And play games with your mind,
You will hide and it will seek,
Find and lock you in its shrine.
Itâ??s the angel of death,
The heart broken ghost,
With crimson wings,
And eyes so dark,
When you look at it youll fall apart,
Itll bring you to the gates of hell.
And there is where your soul will dwell.