Fallen tears

by elle   Jun 11, 2007

I am holding onto whats already flown away
Hoping it will fly back my way
Hoping and wishing doesn't make things happen
My tears just keep flowing making everything dampen
I guess I should move
Help the world improve

But it doesn't work that way
It harder to do than say
I sit by my window
Waiting for you to come home
I try to forget you ever being here
Just tear after tear

I remember you telling me not to worry
And not to miss you in a hurry
I laughed and swallowed my emotions
I did what I always did it was a permanent notion
But watching the rain fall reminds me of that very night
The night were my biggest fear changed from being height

You told me I was beautiful
Whilst nobody else ever saw me I was unnoticeable
I took up running
Thinking that if I just took one more step no-one could ever harm me
I made you fathers day cards
I would wait for a reply sitting beside the letter box in the yard

I knew that I would never get one back
You had moved on, it was a fact
The doctors said you were gone
Ive lost you its done
Though Ive never lost you
You're with me I'm sure of that two.

My tears are beginning to loose salt
I'm beginning to realize its not all my fault
But its hard to let go
To the pain that cut down so
Letting go of the pain from that stormy night
Nothing is ever easy but this just seems right.


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  • 17 years ago

    by StonedGooberz

    Buetifully written if well... i must say so my self *hence the name* anyway its defintly a 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Tracy D Rollings

    WOW that was an excellent poem, full of emotions
    love and lost feelings, good wording and very good flow, great job all the way around, your friend Tracy dean, 5/5