Painless Bottle- Elizabeths story

by Chelsey   Jun 12, 2007

Written for a title contest..not true*** (well about anyone I know, Elizabeth is a made up name...)

I've never known what its like
To have a father who truly cares
I've been mentally scarred by mine
And he's out there who knows where

See my daddy always came home
With the smell of alcohol on his breath
There was never a day that I didn't hear
"Toss me a bottle Elizabeth"

I always wondered why
What did he want another beer for?
When he had five at the bar
And just bought a 24 pack from the corner store

One time he beat my mother with it
I watched that bottle crack over her skull
I stood there wanting to help so bad
But daddy was just to angry to console

His drunkenness ruined their marriage
His beer bottles meant more than her
They also caused my dad to be blind to see
He had an attention-less daughter

With a trash can full of bottles
He left us when I was ten
With nothing to show for a father
He was never seen or heard of again

Now that I'm grown and moved on
I've met a man who stole my heart
Theres never a moment I don't smile
There's never a time we are apart

One day at the beach he said
"This happened to come from sea"
He handed me a bottle with the cork on
And he smiled and looked at me

I popped it open and had flashbacks
There was a note inside titled Love of my life
I opened it and it read
"I love you Beth, be my wife"

For the first time since I was young
I held a bottle that wasn't full of pain
With memories of my father no longer in my head
I knew this is how it would remain


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  • 17 years ago

    by Cathy

    Alright girl, you always amaze me when I read one of your poems, your so young but every tale in your writing just shows how talented you really are. Another fantastic poem!!! Loved it.

  • 17 years ago

    by bRiNgMeToLiFe

    5/5 beautiful.....

  • 17 years ago

    by Cindy

    Beautiful poem Chelsey :) Love the story line. The ending is truely touching.
    Take Care Love Cindy