by David
Oh i do love how you have wrote this poem. it is very unique and magical. well done. this has a high ammount of skill and dedication woven into it. well done. |
by Georgi
It took me ages to understand that! But it was cool, very clever!! Ive never seen an acrostic done like that, with the whole reflection thing, that was aweomse =] I liked it a lot. |
by Vanessa
That was diffrent, and diffrent is good, I really like the reflection part, the word choice was excellent, and the it kept my instrest, really great poem 5/5 |
A very intresting way of writing an acrostic. Doing a reflection. A reflection of words. It was really unique and rather enjoyable. It must of been hard to write asd each line is also reflected creating this sense that your words have to make sense both ways. It seems really chlanging and it seems you did a great job on the poem. I respect you for doing this as it seems really hard. You pulled it off ownderfully as you had many words disxcribing it and your reflection creas this different meaning with the exact same words. I lvoed it. A brillaint job... and i want to try and write one of tehse now. To improve try using varied punctuation? Keep it up though. xx |
by nikki
I loved it. it was very intrigueing, i thought it was great. the wording was excellent, the way you chose the words was just great, all in all. a perfect acrostic poem. 5/5 |
Fsams this is true hard work I am sure. Very well written indeed. U deserve 5/5 |
by Loving You
Another wonderful poem. I have written one like it before... I know how they can be complicated trying to get it to make sense. |
Great work...vary unique i dont think iv reaqd one like this i like it...5/5 |
by Unwitted
Superb dear its simply superb. I know how much effort is needed to write such a poem. great |
Interesting poem, well written. |
by Melpomene
This was different I get the Reflection bit and I understand how Its an acrostc what I dont get though is there is no acrostic part in the 2nd reflection so how is it an actual reflection lol im so lost please PM and explain how if you get me. None the less an interesting read.~mel |
Hmm... unique style, works well. i like it! |
Again a very well thought out poem. I like this style of poems really good job xxx alex xxx |