Missing You

by Kaila   Jun 12, 2007

Everyday I miss you,
Its like heaven and hell,
But the thing is,
This feeling fits me pretty well.

Its like I always smile
at the thought of you
And then comes that sick feeling
Saying, do you care like I do?

Do you ever think about me?
Will I ever see you again?
So many questions going through my head.
I dont even know where to begin.

I should have known from the first moment.
I should have known from the start.
Known feeling this way would hurt me
And put a tare in my heart.

The tare that grows
When I miss you,
And the tare that longs
For that day I kiss you.

You seem so far away
When we are apart.
I wish youd find your way here
Like you found your way into my heart.

So that every day Ill love you
and everyday ill kiss you
And the best part is
I will no longer miss you.


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Latest Comments

  • 15 years ago

    by Sexual hysterias

    Aweh this is really goodd.
    & i can relate to it veryy well.
    :] gooddjobbb.

  • 15 years ago

    by Tina HiHater

    I love this poem it fitss me so well amaziinggg 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by tori

    Thanks for thee comment i like this poem so much!!!! you have very good writting skills keep them up! like it allot!!!


  • 16 years ago

    by dreamer88

    I love this poem...its so well written at its exaclty how i feel about being apart from my bf x so much emotion is put into your poems and you can feel it when you read them.
    i really enjoyed it x keep it up x 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by kd

    I like the the rhythm of the poem... and the tone of it... its corny as it sounds... the "words of love" lol..