I feel like I'm alone
Even though there's people all around me
But they seem to always pick on me
That's not what family is suppose to do
I feel depressed and like no one cares
No one ever hugs me, tells me I'm loved
They just seem to ignore me
And it hurts; it makes me feel like dying
And so I go quiet, because I'm giving them the shits
Just to be slapped in the face with why are you being quiet?
What did we do now?
Don't they get it??? God when I'm quiet I just want to be left alone
It's always about them!
What about me?
I'm human too, I need affection
I don't need to constantly be treated like shit
I'm too scared to hug them because of fear of rejection
Or the youngest one pushing me away because he is jealous
Then the images in my head of not knowing what it's like to be loved
And wondering whether or not I will be able to love my kids
Slitting wrists doesn't help because you can't go all the way
You think maybe they'll realize you need help
Bu no, that's a heap of shit
But then again... Life is shit