Love-ship (Her story)

by I Seem to be the Heartless   Jun 15, 2007

I once thought I loved you -
That you were the only one for me -
But I guess I was only
Lying to myself.
But wasn't there
A connection between us?
Didn't you once feel
The same about me?
I thought you had.
But I guess, once again,
I was wrong.

"I just woke up one morning
And realized that she's the one".

Your words had cut through me
Like a sharp carving-knife,
Slicing my heart into tiny slivers.
It was that day when I decided
That I would have nothing more to do with you.

I had been so completely
In love with you
And you just stood by,
Watching me fall,
Not intending to catch me.
And when I finally hit the ground,
I was cut and bruised
By the mattress of lies, deceit and false hope
You had place beneath me.

Now here I lie,
Unwillingly thinking of you.
Why have you forced your way
Into my mind?
I said I want no more to do with you -
You are dead to me!
I want you out!
Just leave me alone!
You have caused me enough pain.
But no more,
Because you are just a ghost –
You can’t hurt me anymore.



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  • 17 years ago

    by XxBrokenInsidexX

    I love this..ive felt her pain, and this is just absolutely speechles..