Love-ship (His story)

by I Seem to be the Heartless   Jun 15, 2007

You were nothing more
Than a friend to me.
Why can't you understand that?
I saw you as a buddy,
A pal,
A comrade,
Someone I could talk to
And rely on.

How was I supposed to know
That you had mistaken our 'connection'
For something more?

I never meant to hurt you.
I thought you understood.
I never wanted more from this -
I have already found my soul-mate.

But we can remain friends,
Why should that change?
Aren't you making too much of this?
Just calm down.

Ok. Fine.
You've made your decision
And I respect that.
I do still wish
You'd stay my friend.

But good luck to you
And I hope you find
What your heart is searching for.



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  • 17 years ago

    by XxBrokenInsidexX

    I like her story better..maybe because ive felt the way she has, but this story is si=till good...well these "love-ships" are amazing.